basketball player & coach (1956- )

I don't think it's changed that much. A lot of people talk about the change, but to me, everything changes, teams change, one year it's the Celtics, next year it's Philadelphia. It changes all the time.... [But] it's still basketball. The games are played different ways. Coaches influence a lot of it. But overall I think it's a great game and I still love it.


interview, Inside Hoops, May 31, 2007

To me, Boston is just a hardworking, tough town that loves their sports.


interview, The Undefeated, October 9, 2019

It's easy for me to say, 'Our era is the best, and I was the best,' and all that. But in my mind, I think we could compete and do really well, but you never know until you're out there. And I say that because I played against guys that I thought were really good when I came in the league, and after playing against those guys I'd say, 'Well, he's not that good.'


interview, The Undefeated, October 9, 2019

It's a long season. Sometimes you've got to keep things interesting.


interview, Celtic Nation, July 10, 2019

You can't take anything away from a champion.


interview, Empty the Bench, Nov. 2, 2009

It kind of gets to you--all the waste. I can remember playing in the All-Star games, and how they'd have four or five pairs of shoes waiting for you. You go in there, grab a pair, wear them for the game, and leave the other four pairs lying there. How many kids in America could have used those shoes?


Bird Watching

It happens all the time, even with people you know. You have all these people who call themselves friends and they figure, "Hey, Larry's rich, what's a couple hundred bucks to him?" and expect me to give them whatever they need, just because I have money. What those people have forgotten is I worked for everything I've earned. Nobody handed me anything. I had to go out and prove I was worth it. It's pretty easy to spot a guy who wants something from you, as opposed to real friends who don't want a dime. The guy that never asks for anything is the one I'm going to end up helping out.


Bird Watching

It doesn't matter who scores the points, it's who can get the ball to the scorer.


attributed, Team Work: Rediscovering the Essence of Basketball

I love the game now, I like where it's at. I like where it's going. A lot of people say, 'Well, they don't have to guard, you can't touch anybody.' Well, yeah, that makes a difference because you can show everybody your skills.


interview, The Undefeated, October 9, 2019

It wasn't long after I joined the Celtics. The team was going through drills in training camp, and it didn't seem like everyone was going all-out. And then we started playing exhibition games, and I was able to get my shots, make my cuts, things like that. When the season started, the game slowed down for me. I was able to think my way around the court and see plays develop before they actually happened. That's when I realized I could play at a high level and be successful.


interview, Celtic Nation, July 10, 2019

The best basketball announcer is one who allows you to close your eyes.


Esquire, Sep. 2008

A wristband should not be worn on your biceps. It should be on your wrist. A headband should be on your forehead, not on top of your head, cocked back. That bothers me. It's a professional league. The baggy shorts hanging down, I have a problem with that. But that's the way I am. I always had my shirttail tucked in. I always tried to look professional. When I coached, our guys used to do a big dance routine during warm-ups. I used to turn my back on them. I couldn't stand watching them. I went to them and asked if they'd put a stop to it. They asked me why, and I said I thought it was embarrassing--not just to me but to our fans. And they quit doing it. We went to the NBA Finals that year. Did it have anything to do with it? I think it did.


GQ, Jan. 2004

I know companies like to have successful people who are "winners" or "champions" endorse their products, because it portrays a positive image, but just because I like a certain mower, or hamburger, or whatever, what does that matter to the guy on the street?


Bird Watching

I was always making decisions and they were easier decisions because I had control of the game, I had control of the ball. As a coach you sort of put the ball in other player's hands and let them make decisions for you. But I still get a kick out of winning basketball games and that's what I'm in this for.


Christian Science Monitor, Jan. 29, 1998

I never learned anything by losing.


The Evansville Courier, Oct. 18, 1997

Once you are labeled 'the best' you want to stay up there, and you can't do it by loafing around. If I don't keep changing, I'm history.


attributed, No Boundaries

I don't worry about ratings. I'm trying to win a ballgame right now. Whatever it takes to win a ballgame, we're going to do it. If it takes a four-hour game, that's what we have to do.


The Sacramento Bee, June 11, 2000

You know, over 30 years, I've seen a lot of things happen. I've seen the League go from power players to pound it down inside, to really incorporating the three-point shot in the last eight to 10 years. So it's really been interesting to watch the game as it's progressed throughout the years.


interview, Slam Online, Jan. 22, 2010

First master the fundamentals. When I was young, I never wanted to leave the court until I got things exactly correct. My dream was to become a pro. I don't know if I practiced more than anybody, but I sure practiced enough. I still wonder if somebody--somewhere--was practicing more than me.


attributed, Winning Words

I didn't expect my teammates to play the way I did. I did expect them to work hard hard every day and get better.


The Evansville Courier, October 18, 1997