quotations about bowling

Bowling is a simple game. Roll a perfectly round object on a flat surface at pins that don't move.


Bowling: Steps to Success

I go bowling once every four years to make sure I still hate it.


Bowling balls are like computers; it seems that every year something new hits the market that renders its predecessors obsolete.


From Gutterballs to Strikes

Bowling is a great way to see how people interact with one another. If you can laugh at yourself as you go flying down the alley with the ball still attached to your hand, it is a good sign you have a great self-esteem.


Divorced Virgin Mother of Two

The thing about bowling is we have a large amount of feel and when I can feel what I am doing it is sometimes hard to put that feel into words. But the technology we have these days helps so much, because we're able to show people physically on video, but when I do something and someone says 'Teach me how to do that' I have to really break it down and think about it. I can't just tell them 'It's as simple as 1-2-3.' I have to say 'Look, I first do this, and then I work it out and then I do this and this, and we break it up into parts and then we can get something close.


interview, Bowling Digital, November 11, 2009

If I had been on Bowling for Dollars, I'd wind up owing them money.


"21 Ricki Lake Quotes For Those Who Dive in Headfirst"

This is not 'Nam. This is bowling. There are rules.


The Big Lebowski

Simply put, bowling is the process of allowing energy to move through the body, through the arm, off the fingertips, and into the ball. The ball carries that energy all the way to the pins. The more energy the ball has left inside it, the more a reaction can be expected to occur when the ball smacks the pins.


Focused for Bowling

It's a true story, two in the morning
You pulled me out of bed so we could go bowling
Met at the alley, I made a turkey
It never works but the possibility is always there
Simple hesitations undermined
Two weeks later you're my valentine
And when we fall it's fine
Perfect moment please don't end
Tonight I got my strike on the colored pin
My crutches, I don't need them
Hallelujah, I'm saved, can I have an amen?
Like all the best passages underlined
Swimming with you in the summertime
And when we fall it's fine


"Three Hundred"

Dinosaurs didn't bowl & now they are extinct. Coincidence?


The new balls certainly had a lot to do with my career going south, but in defense of bowling and the transformations that bowling makes, I was fortunate, maybe a little spoiled, and used to having my way with the lanes at tournaments. When things changed, it was okay to be stubborn for a while, but I needed to look at things differently. I was used to looking at the front end of the lane and not figuring out how to get my ball to the breakpoint properly. I never did that, and that's why I struggled. Could I have gotten better after the reactive resins? I think I probably could have, but I never put the time in to figure out how to play them properly. It was easier just to leave.


"An Interview with Marshall Holman", Bowling This Month

Occasionally I will see someone bowling by himself; more than likely he is already a master, using the solitude to improve upon himself and his score, and bring his playing to a higher level. One quiet weekday afternoon, I watched a guy bowl with five different balls. Each was scored as a separate player, as if he and that particular ball were their own persona, seeking excellence with each unique ball and its distinctive balance.


"Seeking the Zen in Bowling", The Pen Is Mightier Than the Broom

Bowling is unique in that there's no ideal body type. We have Norm Duke, small in stature but among the most prolific titlists of all time, and Wes Malott, a giant by comparison. Both have been players of the year. We have the slightly-built tensile strength of Carolyn Dorin-Ballard alongside athletic Kelly Kulick. Chris Barnes could have excelled in any sport (and did as a youth). Kim Kearney declared she was going to the Olympics in something. She did it as a bowler. There are many potentially successful body types. But there's not a lot of variation in championship consciousness. Winners tend to think, practice, and compete in similar ways.


Bowling Psychology

Bowling is my favorite meditation. It is personal, private--the ball, the pins, and me.


"Seeking the Zen in Bowling", The Pen Is Mightier Than the Broom

They'd go bowling every Tuesday,
Down there at the Waco Fair Lanes,
They'd drink a couple beers,
Roll a couple spares,
Then it's off to the trailer,
Willie Nelson all the way.


"Trailer Park Tune", George's Bar

You watch me on your TV, say that my job is easy
Say I am not athletic, you think my sport's pathetic
But you can't judge me 'til you've walked a mile
In my bowling shoes...


"Bowling Song"

We all go bowling at the bowling lanes
Drink a few beers
Bowl a few frames
We're just ordinary average guys
Ordinary average guys


"Ordinary Average Guy"

She's a fine fine fine bowling baby
She's my my my bowling alley queen
She don't seem to see or even notice me
But she's all the woman a boy like me could need
She's got a pink bowling ball and oh man can she throw it
It makes my knees get weak just see the way that she hold it
When she follows through with that killer hook
She strides on back and don't even look
That's bowling cool and she wrote the book
Uh huh


"Bowling Baby"

Split happens.


Bowling is kind of not what we do now. Trust me. Maybe as a joke, I guess. Maybe if everyone was baked.


Y in the Shadows