quotations about gay marriage

I believe every American should be allowed the same rights and civil liberties. Without legalized same-sex marriage, most of the time you cannot share the same health benefits, you are not considered next of kin and you are not granted the same securities as a heterosexual couple. How is this different than having someone sit in the back of the bus because of their skin color?


"Why Miley Got Her Gay-Marriage Tattoo", Glamour, February 1, 2012

I think that gay marriage should be between a man and a woman.


Sean Hannity Show, 2003

Tags: Arnold Schwarzenegger

Recently, a lot of Americans have swapped the awkward phrase 'same-sex marriage' for the term 'marriage equality'. This phrase is ordinarily implied to mean that same-sex couples will have the rights different-sexed couples do. But it could also mean that marriage is between equals. That's not what traditional marriage was. Throughout much of history in the west, the laws defining marriage made the husband essentially an owner and the wife a possession. Or the man a boss and the woman a slave.


Men Explain Things to Me

Tags: Rebecca Solnit

What are you trying to protect heterosexual marriages from? There isn't a limited amount of love in Iowa. It isn't a non-renewable resource. If Amy and Barbara or Mike and Steve love each other, it doesn't mean that John and Mary can't.


"Address on Gay Marriage Before the Iowa House", 1996

Portia and I have been married for 4 years and they have been the happiest of my life. And in those 4 years, I don't think we hurt anyone else's marriage. I asked all of my neighbors and they say they're fine.


"Ellen's Brief to the Supreme Court", February 28, 2013

Tags: Ellen DeGeneres

It doesn't have any effect on your life. What do you care?! People try to talk about it like it's a social issue. Like when you see someone stand up on a talk show and say, "How am I supposed to explain to my children that two men are getting married?" I dunno. It's your sh*tty kid. You f***in' tell 'em. Why is that anyone else's problem--Two guys are in LOVE and they can't get married because you don't want to talk to your ugly child for five f***in' minutes?


"18 Times Louis CK Was Right About Modern Life", Esquire, April 13, 2015

New Rule: Gay marriage won't lead to dog marriage. It is not a slippery slope to rampant inter-species coupling. When women got the right to vote, it didn't lead to hamsters voting. No court has extended the equal protection clause to salmon. And for the record, all marriages are "same sex" marriages. You get married, and every night, it's the same sex.


New Rules: Polite Musings from a Timid Observer

Tags: Bill Maher

At some point in our lifetime, gay marriage won't be an issue, and everyone who stood against this civil right will look as outdated as George Wallace standing on the school steps keeping James Hood from entering the University of Alabama because he was black.


attributed, "8 Of The Best Quotes From Straight Celebrities", Dear Straight People, August 17, 2015

The objection to gay marriage is almost invariably biblical, but nobody's legal vows in this country are defined by interpretation of biblical verse - or at least, not since the Supreme Court stood up for Richard and Mildred Loving. A church wedding ceremony is a nice thing, but it is neither required for legal marriage in America nor does it constitute legal marriage in America. What constitutes legal marriage in this country is that critical piece of paper that you and your betrothed must sign and then register with the state. The morality of your marriage may indeed rest between you and God, but it's that civic and secular paperwork which makes your vows official here on earth. Ultimately, then, it is the business of America's courts, not America's churches, to decide the rules of matrimonial law, and it is in those courts that the same-sex marriage debate will finally be settled.


Committed: A Skeptic Makes Peace with Marriage

You know, I feel like people in this country who feel really strongly about a man and a woman being the only -- the sole sort of gatekeeper of marriage should also support people staying together. I mean, a lot of heterosexual couples don't stay together, and I think that's as upsetting as two people who are really committed and loving and have been monogamous for many years wanting to ... be married and have -- share some of the same rights that this country is so uniquely qualified to give people.


Larry King Live, Feb. 25, 2004

Tags: Sarah Jessica Parker

I am a heterosexual guy in a tough macho sport, which is exactly the reason I feel a duty to say I support gay marriage and gay rights. I have nothing to gain personally from supporting this issue, and that's the point. Society as a whole is better when there is equality, and I want to live in a country where everyone has the same rights because we all benefit from that.


"UFC's Rashad Evans Comes Out For Gay Marriage", OutSports, March 18, 2013

The truth is, the notion that gay marriage is harmful to marriage, is sort of mind-boggling, because these are people trying to get married. But it seems to me, if you want to defend marriage against something, defend it against divorce.


Real Time with Bill Maher, August 6, 2004

If gay Americans are not allowed to get married and have all the benefits that American citizens are entitled to by the Bill of Rights, they should get one hell of a tax break. That is my opinion.


AOL News, Oct. 10, 2007

Tags: Jeanne Phillips

It is true that many same-sex couples want nothing more than to join society as fully integrated socially responsible family-centered taxpaying Little League-coaching nation-serving respectably married citizens. So why not welcome them in? Why not recruit them by the vanload to sweep in on heroic wings and save the flagging and battered old institution of matrimony from a bunch of apathetic ne'er-do-well heterosexual deadbeats like me?


Committed: A Skeptic Makes Peace with Marriage

If you are not for gay marriage, don't marry a gay person!


attributed, "8 Of The Best Quotes From Straight Celebrities", Dear Straight People, August 17, 2015

It's very dear to me, the issue of gay marriage. Or as I like to call it: marriage. You know, because I had lunch this afternoon, not "gay lunch". I parked my car; I didn't "gay park" it.


"When I Get Married, Will It Be a Gay Marriage?", Huffington Post, June 6, 2012

I support gay marriage. I believe they have a right to be as miserable as the rest of us.


attributed, Thought Catalog

If you like it, you should be able to put a ring on it.


Facebook post, March 27, 2013

Equality. Absolutely. That's what defines us. It's what makes us great. If it doesn't sit well with your religion, let your God sort it out in the end, but that's us. We're equal.


"Brad Pitt on Gay Marriage: Equality Defines Us", MTV, November 26, 2012

Defenders of marriage
Defending the institution against people who wanna get married


"Defenders of Marriage", Faulty Intelligence