quotations about humanity
I think that my art, my poetry, prose and music come from these cracks in my being, these ley lines where spirit is said to reside. I have come out of the horror of that experience having lost my faith in the inherent goodness of humanity, yet curiously appreciating even more the effort it takes to be good.
Kalakuta Republic
The history of man is essentially zoological; it becomes human late in the day, and then only in the beautiful souls, the souls alive to justice, goodness, enthusiasm, and devotion. The angel shows itself rarely and with difficulty through the highly-organized brute.
Journal Intime
Humanity is, in regard to the other social affections, what the first lay of colors is in respect to a picture. It is a ground on which are painted the different kinds of love, friendship, and engagement. As the ancients held those places sacred, which were blasted with lightning, we ought to pay a tender to those persons who are visited with affliction. A general civility is due to all mankind; but an extraordinary humanity and a peculiar delicacy of good breeding is owing to the distressed, that we may not add to their affliction by any seeming neglect.
attributed, Day's Collacon
It wants not merely microscopic but telescopic power to know humanity in its essence; a power to discern its grandeur as well as its littleness, the infinity of its relations as well as the meanness of its pursuits. The human soul is a great deep. We must take into view the nebulous possibilities that are brooding and waiting there, and notice the buds and films of light that reveal themselves even in the darkest spaces.
Living Words
The human race is just getting started.... The cerebral cortex is only a hundred thousand years old. It's still a baby, sucking teat and eating Cheerios. We might get better, maybe even wise, if we can last another thousand years.
A Dangerous Age
It is easier to love humanity as a whole than to love one's neighbor.
The Ordeal of Change
Humanity toward a subdued foe is as noble as the valor displayed in encountering him.
attributed, Day's Collacon
We cannot trample upon the humanity of others without devaluing our own.
The Education of a British-Protected Child
Are we not unwittingly expressing the unconscious yearning of the fractions to merge once more in the sweet kinship of the unit, of the ninths and the nine-hundred-and-ninety-ninths of humanity to merge their differences in the mighty generalisation Man, of man to merge his finite existence in the mysterious infinite, the undivided, indivisible One, to 'be made one,' as theology phrases it, 'with God'? How the complex life of our time longs to return to its first happy state of simplicity, we feel on every hand.
"Fractional Humanity", Prose Fancies
To suffer with the other and for others; to suffer for the sake of truth and justice; to suffer out of love and in order to become a person who truly loves--these are fundamental elements of humanity, and to abandon them would destroy man himself.
Encyclical Letter, Spe Salvi, November 30, 2007
Humanity is never more sphinxlike than when it is expressing itself.
The Court and the Castle
Perhaps we are the most selfish, oddest, and cunningest medley of beings of our size in the universe. However to complete the scale of being, it seems to have been requisite that the link of being called man must have been, and since under the Divine government, we have a positive existence, we cannot ultimately fail of being better than not to have been.
Essay on the Universal Plenitude of Being and on the Nature and Immortality of the Human Soul and Its Agency
The tapestry of the universe is vast and complex, with infinite patterns. While threads of tragedy may form the primary weave, humanity with its undaunted optimism still manages to embroider small designs of happiness and love.
The Butlerian Jihad
The most identifying trait of humanity is our ability to be inhumane to one another.
Odd Thomas
Humanity, like armies in the field, advances at the speed of the slowest.
Love in the Time of Cholera
One can follow any religion, one can follow any practice or path, but one must be humane.
The Teachings of Babaji, January 22, 1983
Man isn't a noble savage, he's an ignoble savage. He is irrational, brutal, weak, silly, unable to be objective about anything where his own interests are involved--that about sums it up. I'm interested in the brutal and violent nature of man because it's a true picture of him. And any attempt to create social institutions on a false view of the nature of man is probably doomed to failure.
New York Times Film Review, January 30, 1972
Humanity may be compared to an immense temple ruined, but now rebuilding, the numerous compartments of which represent the several nations of the earth. True, the different portions of the edifice present great anomalies; but yet the foundation is the same.
attributed, Day's Collacon
Clark Kent is how Superman views us. And what are the characteristics of Clark Kent? He's weak. He's unsure of himself. He's a coward. Clark Kent is Superman's critique on the whole human race.
Kill Bill: Volume 2
Humanity walks ever on a thin crust over terrific abysses.
The Old Wives' Tale