English politician (1945- )

Ken Livingstone quote

When reporters say to me I'm only doing this because it's my job... that's the same abdication of moral responsibility at the thin end of the wedge that in its most extreme and horrific version ends up with others being prepared to stand as a concentration camp guard.


"Livingstone isolated after refusal to back down in Nazi jibe row", The Guardian, February 16, 2005

Well, on lots of small things we could have done better, but on all the big things we called it right. You should make less mistakes as you get older, and I became a councilor back in 1971, so if by this stage in politics I'm making lots of big mistakes, then I shouldn't be here.


You Can't Say That: Memoirs

Tags: mistakes

You cannot just have a socialist revolution in Norwood and nowhere else.


statement to the South London Press in 1977, Citizen Ken

Tags: socialism

The British judiciary is one of the most corrupt in the world because of politically active judges.


The Daily Telegraph, May 17, 1986

You can't expect to work for the Daily Mail group and have the rest of society treat with you respect as a useful member of society, because you are not.


remarks concerning Evening Standard journalist Oliver Finegold, Guardian Unlimited, December 13, 2005

George Bush is just about everything that is repellent in politics... You have got this super-patriotic hawk who was a coward when his country was actually involved in a war and has the most venal and corrupt administration since President Harding in the 20s. He is not a legitimate president... This really is a completely unsupportable government and I look forward to it being overthrown as much as I looked forward to Saddam Hussein being overthrown.


"Mayor's Amazing Attack on Bush", Evening Standard, May 8, 2003

Tags: George W. Bush

Racism serves as the cutting edge of the most reactionary movements. An ideology that starts by declaring one human being inferior to another is the slope whose end is at Auschwitz.


commentary, The Guardian, March 4, 2005

Tags: racism

In this city 300 languages are spoken and the people that speak them live side by side in harmony. This city typifies what I believe is the future of the human race and a future where we grow together and we share and we learn from each other.


press conference, July 8, 2005

Tags: London

One thing that Chairman Mao did was to end the appalling foot binding of women. That alone justifies the Mao Tse-tung era.


"Now Livingstone is standing up for Mao's mass murder", Daily Mail, May 19, 2006

Tags: Mao Zedong

My view is rather than just rage at your impotence you find the best way of achieving as much as you can within whatever constraints there are. It's not the world I would have created but you do what you can within it.


interview, The Quietus, September 23, 2010

I'd love to write about my growing sexual awareness, but the press would turn it into something squalid.


"Ken Livingstone: 'It's an autobiography, not porn'", The Guardian, October 21, 2011

Tags: sex

I actually think that Bush is the greatest threat to life on this planet that we've most probably ever seen. The policies he is initiating will doom us to extinction.


"Livingstone says Bush is 'greatest threat to life on planet'", The Independent, November 18, 2003

What defines someone's music taste is their teens and early 20s. It's that combination of your sexual awakening and the music of the time, it fixes you forever.


interview, The Quietus, September 23, 2010

Tags: music

Nothing could have been greater than the pride of serving this city. I do not believe -- I am sure I speak for my colleagues on all sides -- nothing else that happens to us in our lives will be as rewarding and fulfilling as the years that we have spent in this building.


speech at the last meeting of the Greater London Council, March 27, 1986

If voting changed anything they'd abolish it.


If Voting Changed Anything They'd Abolish It

Tags: voting

Everyone is bisexual. Almost everyone has the sexual potential for anything.


speech to Harrow Gay Unity Group, August 18, 1981

The Tories had the legal right to demand extra meetings of the council but I could decide when they would be held and always called them for Friday afternoons, knowing that three or four of the richer Tories went to the country early and were not prepared to stay in the city beyond lunchtime. I realised that nothing in politics is new when I read in Suetonius's The Twelve Caesars that Julius Caesar pulled the same trick when reactionaries in the senate were making his life difficult.


You Can't Say That: Memoirs

Politics is not a game. Thousands of people's jobs and services depended on what the GLC did, and they expected us to do the best we could.


If Voting Changed Anything They'd Abolish It

Tags: politics