I want to thank the many, many readers who have been so supportive of me all these years. There were a few years, because of the economy, when I had to put off writing as I traveled around for my roofing job (5am - 7pm of travel and roofing took a big chunk out of my brain) and I'm grateful that my readers have been understanding about my situation when I explained it to them. They've consistently emailed me encouraging words, telling me they'd wait for my next books.
"Q&A Interview and Giveaway with Gennita Low", Book Monster Reviews, December 27, 2011
A new life is innocent, like an empty page, ready for the hard lessons ahead.
Facing Fear
That's why I'm in love with you. You turn me on without even trying.
Virtually Hers
I write from emotion. It's important to remember that even though one may be writing about something totally out of one's experience, one should insert a thread of familiar emotion through it. I often start out with the main character's state of mind in my stories because it sets the tone to the whole book.
interview with Marjorie Liu, October 5, 2008
Fear. It was happening all over again. That sickly helpless feeling that spread with its icy fingers, slowly eating up all faith and hope.
Facing Fear
I've been writing seriously since the 90s and my first manuscript was a "hysterical." I was in love with Vikings back then but somehow my Vikings sounded like Navy SEALs on horses. I guess my love for Navy SEALs can be traced back to those Viking sea marauders!
"Q&A Interview and Giveaway with Gennita Low", Book Monster Reviews, December 27, 2011
I have no control over certain elements of my story. I can nudge my characters/story line there, but can't make them behave the way I think they should, no matter how I try.
interview with Marjorie Liu, October 5, 2008
If I could have a superpower, it'd be the ability to make all my enemies change their minds and see things MY way.
interview, USA Today, November 27, 2011