quotations about reincarnation
I died as a mineral and became a plant, I died as a plant and rose to animal,
I died as an animal and I was Man.
Why should I fear? When was I less by dying?
Sai Baba of Shirdi
Did you ever begin to consider what would happen if everyone on Earth believed in reincarnation? If they believed that all that could happen to them in death would be rebirth in another being, we would have mass suicide every time something went wrong in their lives, along with total disregard for individual actions and of course, chaos.
Again and Forever
Reincarnation involves a free choice of action constantly, and constantly an opportunity for re-making one's self and one's surroundings.
Life After Life
Work is futile if we cannot utilize the experience we collect in one life in the next. When I discovered reincarnation it was as if I had found a universal plan.
Theosophical Forum, 1939
No other theory than that of Reincarnation can explain satisfactorily the causes which produce geniuses and prodigies in this world.
Reincarnation ... makes life what it is intended to be -- a glorious adventure in which victory is absolutely sure to be ours if we persist. It proves that man [is] ... master of his fate on his road to the stars.
Reincarnation for Everyman
The extent of the logical evidence for reincarnation is amazing. It is found to explain justly many of the problems of daily life ... it reasonably accounts for such psychological problems as sudden friendships, awakening memories of past associations, certain strange actions of children, the nature of genius, obsession, and dual personality.... By this doctrine the world becomes a huge training school, guided by law, and ruled by Divine Justice, instead of being a bewildering maze of chaotic and chance accidents.
Reincarnation: A Universal Truth
I have been told that Reincarnation is a very gloomy religion; that the law of karma leaves life without hope. I can answer this by saying that Reincarnation has nothing to do with religion. Reincarnation is a natural law in operation, a penetration into the laws of cause and effect. Science has taught us (in the physical world) that nothing can die, for nothing is ever totally extinguished. When one form of animation leaves the body another is switched on. The body which is alive in all its cells begin to function in another direction. It fertilizes life, which life in turn fertilizes other life.
Your Previous Life on Earth
Reincarnation is, indeed, the key which unlocks all doors, the universal "combination," before which our manacles fall from our limbs -- the life-line by which the crooked way is made straight.
Reincarnation for Everyman
I am certain that I have been here as I am now a thousand times before, and I hope to return a thousand times.
attributed, The Big Book of Reincarnation
"You would wind up as a cat, I told her. They don't need anyone else."
I need you, she replied.
"Well," I said. "Maybe I'll come back as catnip."
My Sister's Keeper
Unfortunately, as the idea of reincarnation has come to us from the past, it is nearly always associated with misconceptions and superstitions. No doubt this is due to its very antiquity, but, whatever may be the cause, the superstitions are so repellent to Western ways of thinking, and the misconceptions so illogical, that great discredit has been cast on the philosophical value of the central idea itself. Who is it that yearns to be born as a dog or a blue-bottle fly?
Reincarnation: The Hope of the World
I am confident in the belief that there truly is such a thing as living again, and that the living spring from the dead, and that the souls of the dead are in existence, and that the good souls have a better portion than the evil.