quotations about show business

'All of the myths of mankind are nothing but show business,' the other man said to me during our initial meeting. 'Everything that we supposedly live by and supposedly die by -- whether it's religious scriptures or makeshift slogans -- all of it is show business. The rise and fall of empires -- show business. Science, philosophy, all of the disciplines under the sun, and even the sun itself, as well as all those other clumps of matter wobbling about in the blackness up there --' he said to me, pointing out the window beside the coffee-shop booth in which we sat, 'show business, show business, show business.'


Teatro Grottesco

Waking up from bad dreams and smoking cigarettes
Cuddling a warm girl and smelling stale perfume
A hot summer's day and sticky black tarmac
Feeding ducks in the park and wishing you were far away

That's entertainment, that's entertainment


"That's Entertainment"

What I tell people in show business is, 'Don't fall in love with a hooker.' That's what show business is.


"Jay Leno: Still Keeping Us Laughing", Forbes, August 24, 2017

Tags: Jay Leno

Show business kept us all alive
Since 17 October 1945
But the star has gone, the glamour's worn thin
That's a pretty bad state for a state to be in
Instead of government we had a stage
Instead of ideas a prima donna's rage
Instead of help we were given a crowd
She didn't say much but she said it loud


"Oh What a Circus"

It wasn't that long ago that Justin Bieber was discovered on YouTube by Usher. Katy Perry, Macklemore, Psy and Lana Del Rey are others who used this online video platform to get noticed when music industry executives wouldn't pay attention to them. Thanks to this social media platform and mobile technologies, the road to fame has changed and helped many artists, including musicians and voice-over talent, get the attention they deserve while winning a fan base in the process.


"How Technology Is Shortening the Road to Fame", Entrepreneur, August 10, 2017

Show business is not a charity. We want you to make money so we can make money. If you are not thinking that way, it's time to recalibrate your mindset. This is not a hobby for us. Get out there and get jobs, hustle, work hard, be tenacious and never give up.


"5 Ways to Put the Business in Show Business", Backstage, October 27, 2016

Boxing is just show business with blood.


The Guardian, November 19, 1991

I am in show business. I don't, for a minute, ever forget that this is a business that I'm involved in, and it plays by business' rules.


Barbra Walters interview, ABC Special Report, March 24, 1997

We are in the same tent as the clowns and the freaks -- that's show business.


attributed by Bill Moyers, CBS, September 10, 1986

Ah show business it's just a wonderful thing
All I want is to get down on my knees and sing


"Broadway Song"

One of the great things about show business is that Monday can be disappointing and Tuesday can be exhilarating. Momentum and fortunes change on a dime.


Socs and Greasers: Behind The Scenes of The Outsiders from Rob Lowe's Stories I Only Tell My Friends

Show business is just that. It's a business! Everything revolves around profit and loss. No matter your noble intentions, if you can't afford the production you want, the standards of professionalism in every aspect of performance and production your audience and we demand, we don't do it. It's that simple.


"Take a Look at the New Generation of Broadway. Bold. Young. Now, This Adventure Is In Your Own Backyard!", The Hudson Independent, September 5, 2017

Show business is entertainment with a flair: organized, "slick" gratification of the senses. It is drama and opera, and going over Niagara Falls in a barrel. It is conspicuous, noisy, sometimes gaudy and superficial, but universally appealing.


Introduction to Museum Work

I cannot stand the people who get wonderful starts in show business, and who abuse it. Lindsay Lohan and Charlie Sheen, for example, although there are plenty of others, too. They are the most blessed people in the world and they don't appreciate it.


Daily Mail, April 7, 2011

Show business is global, and its history is millennial: international and historical terms, and the richness of slang, idioms, and expressions, suggest how fascinating is the world of those whose business it is to amuse us.


Blumenfeld's Dictionary of Acting and Show Business

Show business is a world all its own, and often not a very nice one, and definitely not an easy one. Give it thought before you get too deeply involved. Stop and think just what you are willing to do to be a success.


Life's Rainbow

Show business is a cruel business. It picks up nobodies and catapults them to the stratosphere. Amidst stars, money, fame, adulation. Then for no reason it just takes it all away. Spits out the very icons it creates.


"What happens to famous Bollywood stars who fall on bad times?", Daily O, August 25, 2017

A lot of people don't understand that show business comes with a lot and there are layers that you have to deal with. It's a mental game and lot of guys can't deal with it. They can get torn down in their mind about life. The good thing about my situation is that I have been told "no" a lot as a kid. So rejection means nothing to me. I would just say "all good" and come back at you 100 times harder.


"American comic Mike Epps: 'A lot of people don't understand that show business comes with a lot'", The National, August 16, 2017

Show business offers more solid promises than Catholicism.


London Independent, April 25, 1992

Tags: John Guare

Part of show business is magic. You don't know how it happens.


attributed, Life Upon the Wicked Stage: A Sociological Study of Entertainers