quotations about skydiving

Skydiving quote

I watched him strap on his harness and helmet, climb into the cockpit and, minutes later, a black dot, fall off the wing two thousand feet above our field. At almost the same instant, a white streak behind him flowered out into the delicate, wavering muslin of a parachute -- a few gossamer yards grasping onto air and suspending below them, with invisible threads, a human life, a man who by stitches, cloth, and cord, had made himself a god of the sky.


The Spirit of St. Louis

Tags: Charles Lindbergh

To those that jump, no explanation is necessary. To those that don't jump, no explanation is possible.


When asked, skydiving professionals will probably mention something about "drag" or "lift" or "physics," but most likely, these skydiving suits are part of a well-orchestrated inside joke by the skydiving industry, who just want to see how many people they can make dress like dorks.


"14 Things You Should Know Before You Go Skydiving For The First Time", Buzzfeed, April 11, 2014

Skydiving is a rather safe affair, provided you have a parachute.


No Job? No Prob!

When I decided that I too must pass through the experience of a parachute jump, life rose to a higher level, to a sort of exhilarated calmness. The thought of crawling out onto the struts and wires hundreds of feet above the earth, and then giving up even that tenuous hold of safety and of substance, left me a feeling of anticipation mixed with dread, of confidence restrained by caution, of courage salted through with fear. How tightly should one hold onto life? How loosely give it rein? What gain was there for such a risk? I would have to pay in money for hurling my body into space. There would be no crowd to watch and applaud my landing. Nor was there any scientific objective to be gained. No, there was deeper reason for wanting to jump, a desire I could not explain.


The Spirit of St. Louis

The truth is skydiving is a dangerous sport. Most, if not all new skydivers will find themselves asking and researching this question at some stage. I know I did. To give you a rough idea aboutskydiving fatalities take this into consideration. There are roughly 30,000 USPA (United States Parachute Association) members in the USA. According to the USPA there are about 3 million jumps made annually in the USA. Out of those 3 million about 30 of them result in fatalities. Sadly, several of those fatalities were under perfectly good canopies.


The Newbies Guide to Skydiving

Make me feel like I'm falling, skydiver
Rotating behind helicopters
That's the rush I get when I'm thinking of you
Give me wings, make me fly


"This Girl"

I'm like a plane wreck falling through the air
Ready to crash and burn, but I don't know where
'Cause I am skydiving without a parachute!


"Skydiving Without a Parachute"

Jump pilots have an open door policy.


Denying that skydiving is a risky sport is unreasonable, but being willing to take such risks can be reasonable given the value a person places on the experience.


Is That a Fact?

You know, I was skydiving once and my main chute didn't open. I pulled my reserve which didn't open either. There I was, plunging to the Earth. Just as I hit the tree tops, I discovered the meaning of life.


And Justice for All

Hey! What's this thing coming towards me very fast? Very very fast. So big and flat and round, it needs a big wide sounding word like ... ow ... ound... round... ground! That's it! That's a good name -- ground! I wonder if it will be friends with me?


a very surprised sperm whale, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy: Episode 3, January 19, 1981

How do you clear your head? A relaxing bath? A strong cup of coffee? A brisk walk? How about jumping out of an aeroplane at 10,000 metres?


"Skydiving: six reasons why you should make the leap", The Telegraph, June 17, 2015

My soul is in the sky.


A Midsummer Night's Dream

Tags: William Shakespeare

I'd rather lay in solitude
Until the winds of time blow by to free me
But I've got the peace of mind of a skydiver whose parachute won't
In other words, I'm good to the last drop


"The Avalanche Song"

You know you're a skydiver when ... every time someone's beeper goes off you look at your watch to see if it's break-off altitude.


Skydiving is like making love to the world.


100 Days of Happiness

Among all the aerial sports you can try, skydiving seems on its face to be the craziest. There's nearly a minute of freefall, for one thing, along with the 120 mph you'll rack up during that period. Then there's the off chance that the nylon foil packed tightly on your back won't respond to the frantic tugs on the rip cord.


52 Great Weekend Escapes in Southern California

I'm dreaming in a plane
Skydiving, you and me
Kama sutra, ball and chain
Holding hands in ecstasy



If you're nervous, ask the skydiving facility where their staff was certified, and maybe ask for diplomas or paperwork to prove that they're not making it up, and maybe even then Google the names of those places just to be super sure. (I did, and mostly learned that skydiving schools do not spend a lot of money on web design.)


"14 Things You Should Know Before You Go Skydiving For The First Time", Buzzfeed, April 11, 2014