quotations about social security

The system is not intended as a substitute for private savings, pension plans, and insurance protection. It is, rather, intended as the foundation upon which these other forms of protection can be soundly built. Thus, the individual's own work, his planning and his thrift will bring him a higher standard of living upon his retirement, or his family a higher standard of living in the event of his death, than would otherwise be the case. Hence the system both encourages thrift and self-reliance, and helps to prevent destitution in our national life.


speech, January 14, 1954

Tags: Dwight D. Eisenhower

Thirty years ago, the American people made a basic decision that the later years of life should not be years of despondency and drift. The result was enactment of our Social Security program.... Since World War II, there has been increasing awareness of the fact that the full value of Social Security would not be realized unless provision were made to deal with the problem of costs of illnesses among our older citizens.... Compassion and reason dictate that this logical extension of our proven Social Security system will supply the prudent, feasible, and dignified way to free the aged from the fear of financial hardship in the event of illness.


speech, January 7, 1965

Tags: Lyndon B. Johnson

Social Security is also the nation's most important hedge against inflation. For many years now Social Security benefits have been fully indexed for inflation, meaning that they are automatically increased as consumer prices rise. While many private pension payments are periodically upgraded to cover past price rises, these upgrades are usually less than in proportion to the price rise, and they are usually at the discretion of the relevant employer. Social Security is virtually the only pension program in the United States with automatic proportionate inflation protection. This means that as retirees age into their nineties, as more and more are doing these days, Social Security forms their main bulwark against the gradual erosion in living standards because of inflation.


Is it Time to Reform Social Security?

They want the federal government controlling Social Security, like it's some kind of federal program.


speech at a campaign stop, November 2, 2000

Tags: George W. Bush

Inbred expectations in a belt of social security,
Free thought demolished,
Generations, of stereotypes clash,
Traditional values abolished.


"Christening of the Blind"

Unfortunately, there are those who seek to deliberately mislead the public about Social Security in order to justify cutting benefits as part of a larger anti-government agenda.


"Social Security Is Not the Problem", Huffington Post, January 23, 2013

I am totally committed to making sure Social Security is solvent. You've got to begin to reign in the budget, pay as you go, to try to replenish our Social Security Trust Fund. And with all due respect, the last time we had a crisis in Social Security was 1983. President Reagan and Speaker Tip O'Neill came up with a commission. That was the best and smartest way, because you've got to get Republicans and Democrats together. That's what I will do. And I will say, Number One, don't cut benefits on current beneficiaries -- they're already having a hard enough time. And Number Two, do not impose additional tax burdens on middle-class families.


Democratic Primary debate in Philadelphia, April 16, 2008

Tags: Hillary Clinton

Hey! hey! hey!
Did you hear what they want to do to you and me
They wanna take away our social security


"Social Security"

The President had the right idea, but he used the wrong word. When he used the word privatization, it scared the daylights out of a lot of people ... because they're thinking Enron and WorldCom, and that that's where their money would go. The right word is personalization. Empower individuals to have a greater say over their money. And that's what it is. Keep the government from robbing the trust funds, which is something that, if it was done in the private sector, would get a guy in jail. One thing, when people reach retirement age, if they really have enough retirement benefits, they don't need Social Security for the long term, give them the option of one-time buyout, or the opportunity to purchase an annuity, with their funds, tax-free, that frees up the long-term obligation of the government.


GOP primary debate in Orlando, Florida, October 21, 2007

While Social Security currently can't go bankrupt thanks to the payroll tax, legislation on Capitol Hill could always change that.


"The Only Way Social Security Won't Be Around for Future Generations Is if This Happens", The Motley Fool, August 7, 2017

You have to reform Social Security, and the simple way to do it is to make sure that the wealthiest don't receive the same benefits as people that are lower-income.


GOP Presidential debate on CNBC, October 28, 2015

Retirement security also depends upon keeping the commitments of Social Security, and we will. We must make Social Security financially stable and allow personal retirement accounts for younger workers who choose them.


State of the Union Address, January 2002

There are two main differences between Ponzi's original scam and the Social Security system. The first difference is that Social Security is run by the government and, whatever its constitutionality and its questionable ethics, is legal. The second difference follows from the first: Whereas Ponzi had to rely on suckers, the government can and does use force.


The Joy of Freedom: An Economist's Odyssey

Somebody's following you home at night
And they're into what you throw away
Bills and statements, date of birth, social security
It's all they need to file your life away


"Black Bag Confidential"

Despite what you might have heard, Social Security is not "broke." The program had $2.85 trillion in reserves at the end of 2016, and is expected to run surpluses for the next several years. However, due to the ongoing retirement of the massive baby boomer generation, deficits will begin in a few years and last for the foreseeable future. As of the most recent projections, the Social Security trust fund is expected to completely run out of money in 2034.


"How Does Social Security Fit Into My Retirement Plan?", The Motley Fool, August 8, 2017

The rings
The social security
A miracle is high tragedy
Thought mistaken
For a memory
Clear the dust from
Smiles in boxes
Pass a patterned wall
Recall their voices

10,000 MANIACS

"Tension Makes a Tangle"

It is unfortunate that the public perception of Social Security has been allowed to grow so far apart from the reality. This has created a serious dilemma for Social Security. If public misunderstanding is allowed to persist, confusion and disappointment will worsen because Social Security will continue its failure to match most of the public's expectations; and this will result in a frenzied cry for change. On the other hand, if the misunderstanding is eliminated it is probable that the public will not like what it sees and thus will demand significant revision.


The Coming Revolution in Social Security

Social Security is the oldest and most popular federal income support program, and after more than 80 years, it might seem as permanent as the pyramids. But the pharaohs did better long-range engineering than the architects of the New Deal did.


"Social Security is running out of money and time", Chicago Tribune, July 19, 2017

For decades the G.O.P. has won elections by appealing to social and racial divisions, only to turn after each victory to deregulation and tax cuts for the wealthy -- a process that reached its epitome when George W. Bush won re-election by posing as America's defender against gay married terrorists, then announced that he had a mandate to privatize Social Security.


"Severe Conservative Syndrome", New York Times, February 12, 2012

Tags: Paul Krugman

Despite claims to the contrary (by so-called fact checkers), Social Security has not contributed to the debt and the deficits. Because of that indisputable fact, it is shocking that politicians would talk about cutting Social Security as a means to address our national debt.


"Social Security Is Not the Problem", Huffington Post, January 23, 2013