quotations about spirituality
Spirituality is not rituals, it's the way one lives life. It's communicating, it's word of honor, it's always seeing the good in everyone, it's the courage to do what's right, it's taking care of one's health. It's feeling.
"Internal growth and political life", Manila Times, July 19, 2017
There is no spiritual life without growth in grace.
Thoughts on Personal Religion: Being a Treatise on the Christian Life in Its Two Chief Elements, Devotion and Practice
Spirituality is a simple welcoming and blissful attitude towards life, yourself and others. It is an innate intelligence that keeps you aware and sharp as you perform your daily activities. Spirituality is no dogma or philosophy to be forced on you in order to transform you. Spirituality is the science that has created experiential techniques that give you the power and ability to go back to your natural you, the you who retains all your latent intelligence, potential and possibilities, as well as the experience of the truth of Existence.
Life Bliss Magazine, August 2009
Spirituality is a healing force in which there are no rules attached to God's love and God's ability to sustain us.
Science, Religion & Spirituality
For me, spirituality includes the belief in things larger than ourselves, an appreciation of nature and beauty, a sensitivity to the world, a feeling of shared connection with other living things, a desire to help people less fortunate than ourselves. All of these things can occur with or without God. I do not believe in the existence of God, but I consider myself a spiritual person in the manner I have just described. I call myself a spiritual atheist. I would imagine that many people are spiritual atheists.
"Six Questions", Harper's Magazine, March 19, 2014
For me, my spirituality is all about my identity, being grounded in and connected to who I am as a person.
"Scleroderma and the Ordinary Girl", Scleroderma News, August 1, 2017
Spirituality refers to a way of being in the world that acknowledges the existence of, and the desire to be in relationship with, a transcendent dimension or higher power. This spiritual tendency is believed to move the individual toward knowledge, hope, love, transcendence, connectedness, and compassion.
The Spiritual and Religious Dimensions of Counseling
There is such a fixed antipathy in nature against the spirituality of the ways of God, that unless it be wrought out by the Spirit's giving us "a new heart to perceive, and eyes to see," there is no possibility of ever reconciling these together.
"Sermon LIII", Sermons Preached Upon Several Occasions
Spirituality is not a different way of living. Spirituality is the tool, the compass, which guides me in my normal day-to-day living--whether personal, professional life, family life. That is spirituality. My power lies in the present moment.
"On Chai With Manju", India New England News, July 11, 2017
Searching outside of you is Samsara (the world). Searching within you leads to Nirvana.
Yoga and Vipassana: An Integrated Life Style
Every culture has recognized a life force that moves through all creation. The soul comes alive when it is nurtured by this sacred energy, and one's existence becomes infused with passion, power, and depth.
Beyond Religion
If the spiritual values of human existence at its highest term of development and achievement do not endure, amidst all the changes and chances of this mortal universe, there seems to be no stable or coherent meaning in existence. Then the universe is irrational--indeed it is no universe at all.
Man and the Cosmos: An Introduction to Metaphysics
Spirituality is deeply personal and while some practices like yoga may be performed alongside others the actual belief structures and connection is unique to the individual and often completely known only to themselves.
"7 Differences Between Spirituality and Religion", beliefnet, July 23, 2017
When I asked the seeress why she thinks spirituality is experiencing such a boom, she gave a surprising answer: Because it's pretty.
"If Urban Outfitters Did Mystic Healing", The Independent, July 18, 2017
God is the eternal Giver. The spiritual task is to become the conduit for the generosity of God.
Applied Spirituality
What is common to all paths that are spiritual is, of course, the Spirit-breath, life energy, that is why all true paths are essentially one path, because there is only one Spirit, one breath, one life, one energy in the universe. It belongs to none of us and all of us. We all share it. Spiritually does not make us otherworldly; it renders us more fully alive.
Creation Spirituality
But Christ, that came into the world not to imitate, but to correct and transcend both that of the Jews and of the philosophers, sequesters his doctrine from the empty formality of names, reducing it to its inward vigour and spirituality.
"Sermon LIII", Sermons Preached Upon Several Occasions
There is in you, the least of you, what only God could give out of his inmost and highest being, a spiritual existence.
Twenty-Four Sermons Preached in All Souls Church, New York
It was impossible for the human mind to suspect that it was itself the sole creator of the divine world. It found the divine world before it; it found it as history, as tradition, as a sentiment, as a habit of thought; and it necessarily made it the object of its loftiest speculations. Thus was born metaphysics, and thus were developed and perfected the divine ideas, the basis of Spiritualism.
God and the State
Nothing is more repulsive than a furtively prurient spirituality; it is just as unsavory as gross sensuality.
Marriage as a Psychological Relationship