quotations about sports

Americans did very little ski jumping until the television program "Wide World of Sports" began showing a promotional film snippet in which a ski jumper hurtles off the edge of the chute, completely out of control, with various important organs flying out of his body.... Fitness buffs saw this and realized that any activity with such great potential for being fatal must be very good for you, so the sport began to catch on.


Dave Barry's Stay Fit and Healthy Until You're Dead

Sport is a preserver of health.


attributed, Day's Collacon

In a world of life-and-death conflicts, spectator sports give us a "time-out" -- an opportunity to relax and celebrate human skill, dedication, and success in a spirit of simple joy.


Santa Monica Daily Press, February 5, 2007

Good sports are rarely good at sports.


attributed, Biteback Dictionary of Humorous Sporting Quotations

Life without sports is like life without underpants.


attributed, Biteback Dictionary of Humorous Sporting Quotations

Having fun while playing sports is harder than it seems from the sofa. This is as true for amateur athletes as it is for professionals but certainly moreso when one's livelihood is on the line. Every athlete feels the frustration of failure. If those failures pile up, the sport stops being fun. That predicament only multiplies when every performance is also an audition.


"Phils Just Wanna Have Fun: Phillies 10, Marlins 3", The Good Phight, July 19, 2017

Mankind's yearning to engage in sports is older than recorded history, dating back to the time millions of years ago, when the first primitive man picked up a crude club and a round rock, tossed the rock into the air, and whomped the club into the sloping forehead of the first primitive umpire.


Dave Barry's Greatest Hits

There are sports of solitude: hiking, swimming, running. And all sports drive one into one's resources of solitude: in the end, either the solitary individual heart has courage and stamina or it has not. Deep in the recesses of the solitary heart the most intense conflict ... is played out. The outward body is only this inner struggle's sacrament, it's expression of fleshly acts.


The Joy of Sports: End Zones, Bases, Baskets, Balls, and the Consecration of the American Spirit

Baseball, it is said, is only a game. True. And the Grand Canyon is only a hole in Arizona.


Baseball Almanac

For neither if there were a good boxer among the people, nor if there were a pentathlete or wrestling, nor again if there were someone swift of foot -- which is most honoured of all men's deed of strength -- would for this reason a city be better governed.


Xenophanes of Colophon: Fragments

Sports are a delight because they are an aside. They are our liberty. They are our bursting of the shackles of conscientious suffering. They are, deliciously, ends in themselves.


The Joy of Sports: End Zones, Bases, Baskets, Balls, and the Consecration of the American Spirit

Life without sport is not life.


attributed, Day's Collacon

Competition is the spice of sports; but if you make spice the whole meal you'll be sick.


attributed, Get Motivated!

Everyone says, "Sports are tribal," and they're right, but every sport is increasingly global. Fans are now consumers of sports that years ago they barely knew existed.


"Talking Sports with the Global Sports Party", AlleyWatch, July 31, 2017

I ... hate all sports as rabidly as a person who likes sports hates common sense. If I had my way no man guilty of golf would be eligible to any office of trust or profit under the United States.


Heathen Days: Mencken's Autobiography: 1890-1936

Electronic sports are sports. Or maybe they are not, depending on who you ask. However, there is no denying the fact that gaming and eSports have taken hold of a major portion of an entire generation.


"In North America, eSports are taking the college route", DW, July 27, 2017

Every sport pretends to a literature, but people don't believe it of any sport but their own.


The Marvellous Mania: Alistair Cooke on Golf

Tags: Alistair Cooke

You always know it's not going to be like this forever. That's just -- it's part of playing sports. You're always going to have down cycles. Unfortunately we go through those times. You don't ever want to go through them, trust me, it doesn't feel good, but it's just part of playing sport, and especially in our sport, longevity is just huge here. You've got a career that could literally span -- for me, 30 years on the regular Tour. There's no other profession really like that, that you can play at a high level for that long. No, you're going to have periods like that. You can't win every tournament.


interview, December 9, 2004

Tags: Tiger Woods

The more violent the body contact of the sports you watch, the lower your class.


Class: A Guide Through the American Status System

Sport is not something you can immediately walk away from, it is something which slowly starts to disappear from you.


In the Life: Gerald Huang