quotations about virginity

Every Harlot was a Virgin once.


For the Sexes: The Gates of Paradise

Tags: William Blake

My brothers were never warned about the dangers of exposing too much skin. My brothers were never taught their worth lay in their virginity. Men who have sex aren't unsticky Band-Aids or flavourless pieces of gum -- they're players. Purity culture teaches young women that they need to control the brakes of sexual responsibility. Male agency is ignored, and men and boys are characterised as aggressive and brutish. Both genders are denied their humanity.


"Enough of the shame game", Otago Daily Times, April 20, 2017

Dear woman who just started having sex: Congratulations! You have begun your journey of discovering a new layer of your existence -- an integral part of your identity, and a new way of communicating and connecting with others. Losing the cloak of virginity is only the first step, and perhaps the easiest and the simplest, even though it may not seem like it.... Don't feel guilty for being sexual. Years of systematic oppression of female sexuality has ingrained guilt and shame in us when it comes to our carnal desires, and we still feel it at some level. Your sexuality doesn't make you immoral or dirty or whatever else you may associate with it. It makes you a Goddess.


"A Letter To The Woman Who Just Started Having Sex", iDiva, April 27, 2017

In the end this shall be for me sufficient, that a marble stone shall declare that a Queen, having reigned such a time, lived and died a virgin.


Collected Works

Tags: Elizabeth I

The life of virginity seems to be an actual representation of the blessedness in the world to come. In itself it shows many signs of the anticipated blessings reserved for us there.


"Virginity is heaven on earth", Patheos, April 25, 2017

When I was younger, I thought the key ingredient to losing my virginity was true love. It HAD to be with someone who TRULY LOVED ME, would NEVER, EVER LEAVE ME and would, like, I don't know, look into my eyes and know my inner soul, and we'd touch the face of God together or something. Guess who I consciously decided to lose it to because I thought he "loved me"? Ding, ding, ding! My idiot high school boyfriend who ended up cheating on me anyway. Very not romantic. Very stupid. Very wish it went a different way.


"Why You Should Lose Your Virginity To Someone You Don't Love", Elite Daily, February 16, 2017

The desert of virginity
Aches in the hotness of her mouth.



Tags: Arthur Symons

The virgin has her image in the rose,
Sheltered in garden on its native stock,
Which there in solitude and safe repose
Blooms, unapproached by shepherd or by flock.


Orlando Furioso

I always thought of losing my virginity as a career move.


attributed, Madonna Unauthorized

The word "virginity" is just so loaded with so much meaning and you're the same person after you've had sex, you haven't lost anything or given anything away and it's a healthy, normal stage, so I want it to be celebrated but I don't want anyone to stress about it. We're a virgin every time we have sex with a new partner because we've never had sex with them and we don't know what they like, they don't know what we like.


Loveline with Amber Rose, April 27, 2017

It is an infantile superstition of the human spirit that virginity would be thought a virtue and not the barrier that separates ignorance from knowledge.



Tags: Voltaire

Virginity of body only has meaning where there is virginity of heart.


Origen: The Deans of the School of Alexandria

Young people are careless of their virginity; one day they may have it and the next not.


Kingdoms of Elfin

Virginity is conceptual, it is a social construction. When we have sex for the first time we do not actually lose anything. It does not change our identity, it is not life-altering and it does not affect our worth. It is simply a new experience.


"It's time to rethink the social construction of 'virginity'", The State Press, February 6, 2017

As long as it's your choice and you're fully informed of--and comprehend--the consequences, virginity should not be something to lose sleep over. There will be no village elders standing outside the room on your wedding night ready to paint the town red as your husband walks out in triumph with a blood-stained sheet that is meant to vouch for your "purity." Men are no longer angling for a virgin bride. To the contrary, a majority of them prefer women who know their way between the sheets. Simply put, they don't care about your sexual past.


"Virginity is overrated: Who gives a damn about it?", SDE Entertainment, November 29, 2016

Like a virgin, hey
Touched for the very first time
Like a virgin
With your heartbeat
Next to mine


"Like a Virgin"

Lo, when man's force doth ope
The virgin doors, there is no cure nor hope
For what is lost.


The Libation Bearers

Tags: Aeschylus

I wish I were a virgin again. The only fun I ever had was holding out.


The Women

Virginity is what girls and women are pressured to lock away for as long as possible. Virginity is what boys and men must get rid of as soon as possible.


"In 'Chewing Gum', Making Sexual Choices is Liberating, Even if First Times Aren't All That", Okay Africa, April 12, 2017

Men are afraid of virgins, but they have a cure for their own fear and the virgin's virginity.


"The Space Crone", Co-Evolution Quarterly, summer 1976

Tags: Ursula K. Le Guin