quotations about wealth

As soon as I find myself in the presence of a rich man, I cannot help looking upon him as an exceptional and beautiful being, as a sort of marvellous divinity, and, in spite of myself, surmounting my will and my reason, I feel rising, from the depths of my being, toward this rich man, who is very often an imbecile, and sometimes a murderer, something like an incense of admiration. Is it not stupid? And why? Why?


The Diary of a Chambermaid

Tags: Octave Mirbeau

If a country is rich but all its wealth is concentrated among a small class of elite billionaires, society as a whole might be miserable.


"We're No. 16! Why Donald Trump's boorish American exceptionalism is so wrong", Salon, January 30, 2016

Once more, in the matter of wealth: if thou throw thine all on a chance,
Men will come around thee, and wait, and watch the turning of the wheel;
And if, in the lottery of life, thou draw a splendid prize,
What foresight hadst thou, and skill! yea, what enterprize and wisdom!
But, if it fall out against thee, and thou fail in thy perilous endeavour,
Behold, the simple did sow, and hath reaped the right harvest of his folly.
And the world will be gladly excused, nor will reach out a finger to help;
For why should this speculative dullard be a whirlpool to all around him?
Go to, let him sink by himself: we knew what the end of it would be.
For the man hath missed his mark, and his fellows look no further.


Proverbial Philosophy

Tags: Martin Farquhar Tupper

When markets are flourishing, jobs are plentiful and plenty of opportunities exist for you to add to your wealth, looking after your wealth is relatively simple.


"How to restructure your investment portfolio as #Zupta destroys SA wealth -- expert tips", Biz News, April 10, 2017

Riches are not an end of life but an instrument of life.


Proverbs from Plymouth Pulpit

Wealth is an inborn attitude of mind, like poverty. The pauper who has made his pile may flaunt his spoils but cannot wear them plausibly.


Les Enfants Terribles

Tags: Jean Cocteau

Money does make you happy after all, says a new paper published by the UK government. "An individual's level of personal well-being is strongly related to the level of wealth of the household in which they live," says the report, which was designed to measure the relationship between wealth and happiness in the U.K. population. The key here is the word household--personal levels of wealth were found to be much less important than the general level in your home.... Buying new shoes and cars, taking vacations, or spending in general might not cheer you up at all, but having enough money to live on can ease anxiety, and let you stop worrying enough to enjoy your life, even if that money isn't your own. It's a surprising result, but it makes a lot of sense, too.


"Money Will Make You Happy, Because Life Without Money Is Really Hard", Fast Company, January 20, 2016

I don't believe in riches, but you should see where I live.


"God Part II"

Tags: Bono

It is far more easy to acquire a fortune like a knave, than to expend it, like a gentleman.



As water collected in a tank gets pure by filtration, so accumulated wealth is preserved by being employed in charity.



Save your wealth against future calamity. Do not say, "what fear has a rich man of calamity?" Wealth sometimes vanishes away and large accumulations perish.



Tags: Chanakya