quotations about winter
At length the snows descend. Her axis thrice
The earth has circled, since the northern blast
Grew keener, veering eastward; and while frost
With richer blue the arch ethereal dyed,
Incumbent on the gray horizon's verge
A settled gloom has hung.
"Walk the Fifth", Walks in a Forest
The rawish dank of clumsy winter ramps
The fluent summer's vein; and drizzling sleet
Chilleth the wan bleak cheek of the numbed earth,
Whilst snarling gusts nibble the juiceless leaves
From the naked shudd'ring branch, and pills the skin
From off the soft and delicate aspects.
O now, methinks, a sullen tragic scene
Would suit the time with pleasing congruence.
prologue, Antonio's Revenge
Without winter, we no longer have an excuse to hide indoors, shirking our responsibilities.
"Just Humor Me: The Winter is our discontent", The Montgomery Review, April 4, 2017
Surrendering to the fact of winter is a relief: I am grateful for these lingering days of cold. They offer me a few more weeks of quiet and slow before spring emerges, the wheel picks up speed again, and the sound of its exciting spinning fills my days.
"Winter's Wisdom", Bemidji Pioneer, February 7, 2016
Winter, so far from being prejudicial to the fruitfulness of the earth, is very favorable to it; this is the season of rest so necessary to nature.
attributed, Day's Collacon
The winters are to fashionable women what a campaign once was to the soldiers of the Empire.
La Fausse Maîtresse