quotations about worry & worrying

People who are prone to worrying are soft-wired to pay attention to threatening news, thereby building up a library of evidence in their brains that worrying is necessary. Think about it. On any given day, there are so many threatening things happening in the world -- anything from new viruses, terrorist attacks, or political conflicts to a hostile email or upcoming storm are all real events. Yet, if you only pay attention to the threats, you have no space left in your brain to process anything else. Threat becomes your reality, and worry becomes your justifiable response. Anyone telling you to give up your worry will sound out of touch, to say the least.


"Managing worry in generalized anxiety disorder", Harvard Health Publications, February 17, 2016

Worrying is a sort of security blanket for us. It keeps us moving and is a constant part of our conscious. This is also one of the biggest struggles of overthinking everything. We worry about problems that aren't relevant and that may or may not emerge in the future.


"The Daily Struggles People Who Overthink Everything Know All Too Well", Elite Daily, March 20, 2017

Worry is the secret weapon perpetrated upon us by the dark forces of the world that lurk in the shape of fear, uncertainty, confusion, and loss. We, on the other hand, have our own secret weapon against these incorporeal fiends. It is laughter.


The Perpetual Calendar of Inspiration

Worrying is designed to weaken us so that we don't overcome.


No One Sees My Pain

All humans worry. If we didn't worry, we might take dangerous risks and pay a steep price. Worrying is normal in our lives and has an important function. However, worrying becomes a problem when you do it too often and for no good reason.


"In Trading, Expectation Can Be a Dangerous Word", MoneyShow, February 19, 2016

What's the use of worrying?
It never was worth while,
So, pack up your troubles in your old kit-bag,
And smile, smile, smile.


"Pack Up Your Troubles in Your Old Kit-bag"

Worrying is about living in a "what if" state of mind and visualizing what you DON'T want to experience, instead of what you DO! When your mind gets stuck on a negative thought, it automatically shifts into high gear and tries to fix the situation.


The Manifesting Manual

Worrying is a waste of our time. Period. If we are worrying, then we are not doing anything about anything.


This Is Only a Dream!: When You Die You Wake Up

Worry is fear in search of a cause.


Daily Triumph

Worry is evidence of unbelief and proof that there is deep insecurity caused by a lack of oneness with God.


"Worry is ingratitude to God in advance", Vero Beach Newsweekly, February 8, 2016

Worry depletes you of vitality, enthusiasm, joy and peace. Worriers don't have much enthusiasm for living, as they can think of too many perils that might occur.


"Worry is ingratitude to God in advance", Vero Beach Newsweekly, February 8, 2016

When it comes to Mom, worry is my constant companion, with me like those belt beepers husbands used to wear when the birth was imminent.


"The forecast: Worry, 100 miles away", Burlington County Times, March 16, 2017

Worrying is an attempt to exert control over the future by thinking about it. In this way, worry is something that occurs on the inside, and its effects on the outside world are only imaginary.


The Worry Trap

Drink poison rather than worry.


Mibhar HaPeninim

One can make one's life a complete misery, worrying about burglaries and shipwrecks, but ask anyone, anyone you know ... earth-shattering disasters and fabulous inheritances all seems to take place exclusively in the newspapers.


The Rehearsal

Tags: Jean Anouilh

Worrying ... is always useless. It is a form of inner considering--i.e. of identifying. It is a continual mixing up of negative imagination with a few facts and so makes only wrong connections.


Psychological Commentaries on the Teaching of Gurdjieff and Ouspensky

You're worried about what-ifs. Well, what if you stopped worrying?


Driving Off Bridges

Worry is a thin stream of fear trickling through the mind. If encouraged, it cuts a channel into which all other thoughts are drained.


attributed, Treasury of Spiritual Wisdom

A little worrying, like a little fear, is natural and healthy. It is what keeps us following basic traffic laws, not putting our hand on a hot burner, or playing baseball with a glass jar. But just like being consumed with fear can paralyze you, so can worrying non-stop. The emotions are from different spectrums of the rainbow but they both end up doing the same things -- making you paranoid, tepid, and unable to savor life that is in front of you.


"Worrying Half Your Life Away", The Ceres Courier, February 10, 2016

The longer I have followed Jesus, the more I have experienced him lifting worry's weight from my soul. Increasingly, I view worry as a cue to pray, choosing to trust my Heavenly Father and to thank him.


"Issues of Faith: No worries when experiencing God's Peace", Peninsula Daily News, March 3, 2017