quotations about Yin & Yang

Yin and yang are wonderful concepts, the balance and harmony of life.


"The yin and yang of GP access", GP Online, March 14, 2017

Yin-Yang is more then just a concept of opposites, it is the beginning of all things, an energy, a wholeness.


"Faculty Exhibit: Gary Erickson's Ceramics at Concordia", The Mac Weekly, November 22, 2013

In a universe animated by the interaction of yin (female) and yang (male) energies, the moon was literally yin visible. Indeed, it was the very germ or source of yin, and the sun was its yang counterpart.


The Selected Poems of Li Po

The world is, was, will always be filled with good and evil, because good and evil is the yin and yang of the human condition.


TED talk, Sep. 2008

Tags: Philip Zimbardo

Yang ascends to Heaven; Yin descends to Earth. Hence the universe (Heaven and Earth) represents motion and rest, controlled by the wisdom of nature.


The Yellow Emperor's Classic of Internal Medicine

Toned down too much, a female's natural yin is not apparent enough for the yang-meisters who control our politics, and they whisper the "L" word a lot and think they know what's what.


"Sarah Seeks Yang", Cosmoetica, Nov. 5, 2010

Yin and Yang are not oppositional but rather complementary forces. Yin and Yang are in no more conflict than the light of day is fighting the dark of night or the warmth of summer is battling with the cold of winter.


The Yin and Yang of Climate Crisis: Healing Personal, Cultural, and Ecological Imbalance with Chinese Medicine

Now yin and yang are born from congenital true unified qi. If one wishes to cultivate this congenital true unified qi and to maintain it without losing it, one must first begin with regulating yin and yang.... If we speak of the body, then the shoulders are yang, and the hips are yin. The shoulders must harmonize with the hips; this is the harmonizing of yin and yang.


The Xingyi Boxing Manual, Revised and Expanded Edition

A round of Yin, then
A round of Yang, that equals the Tao.


A Look in the Mirror and Other Poems

The concept of Yin-Yang is essentially simple, yet its influence on Chinese culture has been extensive. There is no aspect of Chinese civilization--including philosophy, medicine, sexology, politics, government, literature, and art--that has not been touched by this simple, powerful idea. According to Yin-Yang philosophy, all objects and events are the products of two elements, forces, or principles: Yin, which is negative, passive, weak, and destructive, and Yang, which is positive, active, strong, and constructive. It is quite possible that the two sexes, whether conceived in terms of female and male essences, the different social roles of women and men, or the structural differences between female and male sex organs, are not only the most obvious results of the workings of Yin and Yang forces, but major sources from which the ancient Chinese derived these concepts as well.


Sex in China: Studies in Sexology in Chinese Culture

If you want to live a balanced life, you must admit human nature is yin and yang, day and night, love and hate, you can't reject it. It's all about embracing it, and celebrating the fact that we are weak, and out of that emerges great power.


"Love, sex, death and embracing your weaknesses", TeamRock, March 15, 2017

She probably had to wield the yang side of her personality more often than maybe she felt comfortable with to make up for my dad's weakness. This left me with a negative mistrust of my yang power and a dependence on the yin for survival.


The Dragon's Treasure

Often, the truly great and valuable lessons we learn in life are learned through pain. That's why they call it "growing pains." It's all about yin and yang. And that's not something you order off column A at your local Chinese restaurant.


Cancer, Schmancer

Nothing is completely yin nor is it completely yang. All things in the material universe contain the seed of their opposite force.... Therefore, yin can become yang and yang can also become yin, though both yin and yang are needed for the whole to be complete.


Acupuncture Anatomy: Regional Micro-Anatomy and Systemic Acupuncture Networks

The motion of yin/yang is a circular one -- more a spiraling one -- ever changing between one phase and the other. As yin fulfills itself, inherent within it are the seeds of yang, and visa versa.


"Winter Solstice: A Confucian View", Huffington Post, February 23, 2013

The sexual union of male and female is thus regarded as the essential earthly manifestation of the great cosmic dance of Yin and Yang.


The Tao Of Health, Sex And Longevity

The Pentacle -- The ancients envisioned their world in two halves -- masculine and feminine. Their gods and goddesses worked to keep a balance of power. Yin and Yang. When male and female were balanced, there was harmony in the world. When they were unbalanced there was chaos.


The Da Vinci Code

Tags: Dan Brown

Yin and Yang are the source of power and the beginning of everything in creation.


The Yellow Emperor's Classic of Internal Medicine

Yin and Yang are two convenient polar opposites that are used to explain how things function in relation to one another and to the universe. No entity can be seen in isolation; everything is connected.


The Clinical Practice of Complementary, Alternative, and Western Medicine

Perhaps, he was useless in bed and therefore his unsatisfied wife had to look for alternative manhood to balance her Yin against another Yang.


Golden Dreams of Borneo