American writer (1937-1995)

When inspiration is silent reason tires quickly.


Trumps of Doom

Tags: inspiration

My favorite form is the short story. From an aesthetics stand point you really have to pare down to the bone. You can't write a throw-away scene.


interview, Phlogiston, 1995

The headwaters of Shit Creek are a cruel and treacherous expanse.


Prince of Chaos

I try to write every day. I used to try to write four times a day, minimum of three sentences each time. It doesn't sound like much but it's kinda like the hare and the tortoise. If you try that several times a day you're going to do more than three sentences, one of them is going to catch on. You're going to say "Oh boy!" and then you just write. You fill up the page and the next page. But you have a certain minimum so that at the end of the day, you can say "Hey I wrote four times today, three sentences, a dozen sentences. Each sentence is maybe twenty word long. That's 240 words which is a page of copy, so at least I didn't goof off completely today. I got a page for my efforts and tomorrow it might be easier because I've moved as far as I have."


interview, Phlogiston, 1995

I saw my earlier selves as different people, acquaintances I had outgrown. I wondered how I could ever have been some of them.


The Courts of Chaos

Life is full of doors that don't open when you knock, equally spaced amid those that open when you don't want them to.


Blood of Amber

Tags: life

Of all the things a man may do, sleep probably contributes most to keeping him sane. It puts brackets about each day. If you do something foolish or painful today, you get irritated if somebody mentions it, today. If it happened yesterday, though, you can nod or chuckle, as the case may be. You've crossed through nothingness or dream to another island in Time.


Isle of the Dead

Tags: sleep

The stars blazed like the love of God, cold and distant.


Isle of the Dead

Tags: stars

The absence of a monument can, in its own way, be something of a monument also.


This Immortal

It seems in other ways, in some respects, that the mainstream authors are tending to use more and more science fiction notions. But their books aren't really classified as science fiction and I suppose they're not because they're also doing other things. I personally feel that it is going to stay a thing apart, that it will undergo vogues, as it were. I think there will be periods when it's more highly regarded and then it will slip back again. It seems throughout what I've seen of its history that it's been a cyclic pattern--it rises to prominence for a time. Something will set it off briefly, like the space programme or, well just recently a couple of good movies that got a lot of attention back in the States, like Star Wars and Close Encounters -- and science fiction books become very popular. Then, of course, everyone will jump on the movie band-wagon and produce a crop of grade-B movies, and they'll sink, and then people will slip back to reading other things. But there's a certain residuum that remains.


"A Conversation with Roger Zelazny", Science Fiction, Apr. 8, 1978

Tags: science fiction

Go and copulate with yon purple lizard.


Creatures of Light and Darkness

Between the black of yesterday and the white of tomorrow is the great gray of today.


He Who Shapes

Tags: today

I fail to see what difference it makes whether it be supernatural or not--so long as it is malefic, possesses great powers and life span and has the ability to change its shape at will.


Lord of Light

You are a fool to speak of last great battles ... for the last great battle is always the next one.


Lord of Light

There are stars, stars, scattered stars, blackness all between. They ripple and fold and bend, and they rush toward him, rush by him. Their colors are blazing and pure as angels' eyes.


Creatures of Light and Darkness

Tags: stars

I guess you have to be a little arrogant to be a writer. I decided early on that just because a lot of other writers were bothered by getting bad reviews didn't really mean that the things were particularly important. By the same token, the good ones didn't mean all that much either. So I just forget about reviews and I wrote what I wanted.


interview, Absolute Magnitude

Tags: criticism

The dead are too much with us.


Isle of the Dead

Tags: death

When I said I wanted to die in my sleep, I meant I wanted to be stepped on by an elephant while making love.


The Great Book of Amber

Time passed slowly, like an old man climbing a hill.


Lord of Light

Tags: time

All of these things considered, it is not surprising that one can detect echoes, correspondences and even an eternal return or two within the work of a single author. The passage of time does bring changes, yea and alas; but still, I would recognize myself anywhere.


introduction, Unicorn Variations