quotations about love

If love is indeed a mirage then how does it quench real needs like our thirst, satiate our hunger? Are thirst & hunger just a state of mind that can be manipulated, satiated simply by a mirage?


"As I Watch a Love End I Realize, Love is Always a Stowaway", The Good Men Project, March 14, 2016

The moment you love, you lose your freedom, for the simple reason that you have to take others into account. You have to worry about them, empathise with them and feel some responsibility for them. Sociopaths are the only truly free people. That is why freedom is highly overrated.


"Love is ... a torment and a joy. And it's not for softies", The Guardian, July 22, 2016

Tim Lott (born 23 January 1956) is a novelist, travel journalist, and an occasional op-ed writer for the Independent on Sunday.

Love is the sum of all the arts, as it is the reason for their existence.


The Valley of the Moon

Love needs its martyrs
Needs its sacrifices
They live for your beauty
And pay for their vices
Love will be the death of
My lonely soul brothers
But their spirits shall live on in
The hearts of all lovers


"The Love Thieves", Ultra

Tags: Depeche Mode

Love is the power that can anchor and transform both our conflicts and our compromises, as we take firm and steady steps toward big and worthy goals. Although we've banished talk of love from our public discourse, we need to place it back where it belongs -- front and center, right alongside high standards and expectations.


"Back to School -- New Statewide Offerings Include Love", Westerly Sun, August 31, 2016

Love's fire colors once our neutral form, to blacken to eternal embers.



Tags: Elise Pumpelly Cabot

Love always has its price, come whence it may.


"Miss Harriet"

Tags: Guy de Maupassant

And when two people have loved each other
see how it is like a
scar between their bodies,
stronger, darker, and proud;
how the black cord makes of them a single fabric
that nothing can tear or mend.


"For What Binds Us"

Tags: Jane Hirshfield

A love affair begins with a fantasy. For instance, that the beloved will always be there.


"The Dog of the Marriage"

Tags: Amy Hempel

Love can make any place agreeable.


Love is blind.


Life is a song. Love is the music.


That adoration which a young man gives to a woman whom he feels to be greater and better than himself, is hardly distinguishable from religious feeling. What deep and worthy love is so? whether of woman or child, or art or music. Our caresses, our tender words, our still rapture under the influence of autumn sunsets, or pillared vistas, or calm majestic statues, or Beethoven symphonies, all bring with them the consciousness that they are mere waves and ripples in an unfathomable ocean of love and beauty; our emotion in its keenest moment passes from expression into silence, our love at its highest flood rushes beyond its object, and loses itself in the sense of divine mystery.


Adam Bede

People try to reconcile you to a disappointment in love by asking why you should cherish a passion for an object that has proved itself worthless. Had you known this before, you would not have encouraged the passion; but that having been once formed, knowledge does not destroy it. If we have drank poison, finding it out does not prevent its being in our veins: so passion leaves its poison in the mind!



Tags: William Hazlitt

For what is love itself, for the one we love best? An enfolding of immeasurable cares which yet are better than any joys outside our love.


Daniel Deronda

Tags: George Eliot

It is certain there is no other passion which does produce such contrary effects in so great a degree. But this may be said for love, that if you strike it out of the soul, life would be insipid, and our being but half animated. Human nature would sink into deadness and lethargy, if not quickened with some active principle; and as for all others, whether ambition, envy, or avarice, which are apt to possess the mind in the absence of this passion, it must be allowed that they have greater pains, without the compensation of such exquisite pleasures as those we find in love.


"The Passion of Love", Essays Moral and Humorous

Tags: Joseph Addison

Life is short and we never have enough time for the hearts of those who travel the way with us. O, be swift to love!


Journal Intime

Tags: Henri-Frederic Amiel

Love took up the glass of Time, and turn'd it in his glowing hands;
Every moment, lightly shaken, ran itself in golden sands.
Love took up the harp of Life, and smote on all the chords with might;
Smote the chord of Self, that, trembling, pass'd in music out of sight.


Locksley Hall

Tags: Alfred Tennyson

Though this faith in love as the one democratic, even universal, form of salvation open to us moderns is the result of a long religious history that saw divine love as the origin of human love and as the model to be imitated, it has paradoxically come into its own because of a decline in religious faith. It has been possible only because, since the end of the eighteenth century, love has increasingly filled the vacuum left by the retreat of Christianity.


Love: A History

If you love someone, then your freedom is curtailed. If you love someone, you give up much of your privacy. If you love someone, then you are no longer merely one person but half of a couple. To think or behave any other way is to risk losing that love.


Obsidian Butterfly