quotations about love

It doesn't matter who you are or what you look like so long as somebody loves you.


"The Heart of a Mouse", The Witches

Tags: Roald Dahl

Love does not seek equals; it creates them.


The Red and the Black

Tags: Stendahl

Love--what a volume in a word, an ocean in a tear,
A seventh heaven in a glance, a whirlwind in a sigh,
The lightning in a touch, a millennium in a moment,
What concentrated joy or woe in blest or blighted love!
For it is that native poetry springing up indigenous to Mind,
The heart's own-country music thrilling all its chords,
The story without an end that angels throng to hear,
The word, the king of words, carved on Jehovah's heart!


Proverbial Philosophy

Tags: Martin Farquhar Tupper

There were often times when I wondered if there was anyone out there for me at all. I would have lengthy chats with friends as we lamented about love and life, but my end conclusion would be that I, or anyone for that matter, had to remain hopeful. Whether or not there was someone for me, having a negative mindset about love wasn’t going to help me find love. I had to believe that there is a special someone out there for everyone and it was by being positive and being my best self that I would attract that person, whoever he might be.


"How I Found My Soulmate, Part 1: My Journey in Love", Personal Excellence

Tags: love

One word
Frees us of all the weight and pain of life:
That word is love.


Oedipus at Colonus

Tags: Sophocles

If you love someone, then your freedom is curtailed. If you love someone, you give up much of your privacy. If you love someone, then you are no longer merely one person but half of a couple. To think or behave any other way is to risk losing that love.


Obsidian Butterfly

In love, we are best pleased when we please others.


Maxims and Moral Reflections

The first love disappears, but never goes. That ache becomes reconciliation.


Just Above My Head

Tags: James Baldwin

Love forces, at last, this humility: you cannot love if you cannot be loved, you cannot see if you cannot be seen.


Just Above My Head

Tags: James Baldwin

None but those who have loved can be supposed to understand the oratory of the eye, the mute eloquence of a look, or the conversational powers of the face. Love's sweetest meanings are unspoken; the full heart knows no rhetoric of words, and resorts to the pantomime of sighs and glances.


Intuitions and Summaries of Thought

People try to reconcile you to a disappointment in love by asking why you should cherish a passion for an object that has proved itself worthless. Had you known this before, you would not have encouraged the passion; but that having been once formed, knowledge does not destroy it. If we have drank poison, finding it out does not prevent its being in our veins: so passion leaves its poison in the mind!



Tags: William Hazlitt

Not the swart Pariah in some Indian grove,
Lone, lean, and hunted by his brother's hate,
Hath drunk so deep the cup of bitter fate
As that poor wretch who cannot, cannot love:
He bears a load which nothing can remove,
A killing, withering weight.


"The Solitary"

Tags: Percy Bysshe Shelley

Love abounds in all things,
excels from the depths to beyond the stars,
is lovingly disposed to all things.
She has given the king on high
the kiss of peace.


"Caritas abundat"

Alas! is even love too weak
To unlock the heart, and let it speak?


"The Buried Life"

Tags: Matthew Arnold

God has set his intentions in the flowers, in the dawn, in the spring--it is his will that we should love.


Toilers of the Sea

Victor Marie Hugo (1802-1885) is considered the most important of the French Romantic writers. Though regarded in France as one of that country's greatest poets, he is better known abroad for such novels as Les Misérables (1862) and The Hunchback of Notre-Dame (1831).

Tags: Victor Hugo

I love you pretty baby
You're the only love I've ever known
Just as long as you stay with me
The whole world is my throne
Beyond here lies nothin'
Nothin' we can call our own


"Beyond Here Lies Nothin'", Together Through Life

Tags: Bob Dylan

Have you heard the word is love?
It's so fine, it's sunshine.


"The Word", Rubber Soul

The Beatles were an English rock band formed in Liverpool in 1960. Rooted in skiffle, beat, and 1950s rock and roll, their sound incorporated elements of classical music and traditional pop in previously unheard-of ways. The band later explored music styles ranging from ballads and Indian music to psychedelia and hard rock.

Tags: The Beatles

When [men] see a pretty woman, and feel the delicious madness of love coming over them, they always stop to calculate her temper, her money, their own money, or suitableness for the married life.... Ha, ha, ha! Let us fool in this way no more. I have been in love forty-three times with all ranks and conditions of women, and would have married every time if they would have let me. How many wives had King Solomon, the wisest of men? And is not that story a warning to us that Love is master of the wisest? It is only fools who defy him.


Men's Wives

There is little that comes so close to death as fulfilled love.


Love and Garbage

Tags: Ivan Klima

Love took up the glass of Time, and turn'd it in his glowing hands;
Every moment, lightly shaken, ran itself in golden sands.
Love took up the harp of Life, and smote on all the chords with might;
Smote the chord of Self, that, trembling, pass'd in music out of sight.


Locksley Hall

Tags: Alfred Tennyson